Order Made Under Section 91 (1) Of The Local Government Act 1972

Welburn Parish Council (Temporary Appointment of Members) Order 2023

THIS ORDER is made on the twenty sixth day of June two thousand and twenty four by


1. WHEREAS following the recent resignation of a parish councillor to Welburn Parish Council, two councillors are required to give a minimum number required for a quorum.

2. Under Section 91 (1) of the Local Government Act 1972, where there are so many vacancies in the office of Parish Councillor that the Parish Council is no longer able to act, North Yorkshire Council may, by order, appoint persons to fill all or any of the vacancies until other Councillors are co-opted or elected to take office.

NOW in pursuance of the Power conferred upon it by Section 91 (1) of the Local Government Act 1972, the Council hereby appoints the following persons to act as a Member of Welburn Parish Council until an election has been held or new Councillors have been co-opted to fill such vacancies as shall constitute and re-establish a quorum on the Parish Council whereupon such appointments and this Order shall cease:

·         [Name]

·         [Name]


The COMMON SEAL of North Yorkshire Council was hereunto affixed in the presence of:





Authorised Signatory